Kubernetes Workshop: Intermediate

Introduction to CNCF projects with Kubernetes.

This workshop is best suited for attendees who would like to know more about the power of Kubernetes beyond the default configurations. This workshop introduces several CNCF projects which are powerful additions to the Kubernetes cluster.

This workshop aims to showcase the usage of a Kubernetes cluster in a realistic and practical scenario. Hence this workshop is presented as a series of problems in a form of a laboratory that attendees can complete at their own pace.


Several projects from CNCF are introduced in this workshop.


This workshop is for attendees with basic Kubernetes knowledge and some experience working with Kubernetes. It is recommended that the attendees have completed Kubernetes Workshop: Fundamental.


This workshop introduces a few popular CNCF projects that compliment a Kubernetes cluster. The workshop is a practical end-to-end scenario where a microservice architecture is deployed in Kubernetes with good practices in place.


You are an infrastructure developer tasked with deploying a book review and rating system in Kubernetes. This application is composed of a suite of microservices written in multiple languages (Java, Javascipt, Python and Ruby). In addition to deploying these services, attendees will be introduced to good practices including scalability, security and high availability.


Six mixed maturity CNCF projects are used in this scenario. The projects selected for this workshop have mixed maturity levels. This exposes the attendees to production-grade technologies as well as cutting edge projects in order to spark innovation.

The CNCF projects that are introduced in this workshop:

  • Kubernetes Graduated
  • Prometheus Graduated
  • Envoy (Istio) Graduated
  • Jaegar Graduated
  • Helm Graduated
  • Telepresence Sandbox

CNCF Project Maturity Levels CNCF Project Maturity Levels

Key Focus Areas

This workshop has 3 key focus areas:

  • Kubernetes toolset exploration
  • Cloud native development approaches
  • Cloud infrastructure good practices


The above key focus areas are further expanded to 7 laboratory sessions:

  1. Getting to know the Kubernetes environment
    • Overview of the Kubernetes architecture
    • Using Kubernetes-dashboard
  2. Deploying the BookInfo application
    • Overview of the microservice architecture
    • BookInfo as microservices
  3. Observing with Prometheus
  4. Tracing with Jaegar
  5. Deploying with Helm
  6. Networking with Istio
  7. Developing with Telepresence


By the end of the workshop the attendees will be competent with provisioning applications/services using Helm charts. The attendees will be able to gain insights to the health of services with Prometheus. During the application development phase, the application debugging process can be carried out with Jaegar and Telepresence. The attendees are introduced to Istio and learn how a service mesh can be used in traffic management and monitoring.